Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. The probable source region of the mT air mass shown on the weather map is A. 8 Air Masses And Fronts Nwcg Warm and dry d. . A cT air mass is _____ Cold and wet. The northern Atlantic Ocean D. 3 Show answers. Maritime Equatorial mE Air Masses are characterized by hot very moist air. A particular locations air temperature. You might be interested in. The air mass over this location is best described as A. Of course summer mT air masses are the most stifling particularly in the Deep South where. The Gulf of Mexico 31. Varvara68 47K 1 year ago. View the full answer. An mt air mass is best described as warm and wet cold and wet cold and dry warm and dry. Arecent challenge to the european union created by a member state is. Relief from warm humid summer conditions in the US Northeast. Subsidiary with Other Compreh...